Saturday 7 May 2011

Qualitative Data - Focus Group

To follow up my research on how I should present my magazine, I gathered together five 13 year old girls to ask them some questions about what their favourite colours are and why. I showed the girls the templates I had designed and I asked them to give their honest opinion about what they thought of the templates.  
Template 4

When I asked the girls what their favourite colours were the popular answers were pink and purple, I asked why and they replied because the colours are 'girly' and 'pretty'.
When I presented the girls with the templates they gathered round and came to a unanimous decision instantly. The girls immediately picked template number 4, when I asked why they explained that template number 2 was too dark due to the black background. They didn't understand that even though template 7 had many boxes on the cover it still looked empty; they also thought this about template 3 and template 5. The girls all liked template 1, but wanted the title to stand out more. And template number 6 needed more stories on the front cover.
I accepted the girls decision and moved on to the next template - the contents page.
Decisions regarding the contents page were divided. Two of the five girls said that they preferred template 2, where as the other three girls said that they preferred template 5. When I asked why the girls said that template 2 was nice because it had a little bit of black on - clearly there was too much black on the front cover template. The girls continued to say that template 5 was boring because it was predominately all one colour. 

Template 5

 When the girls were asked what double page spread was their favourite they said that all of them were very similar so it was hard to pick out a particular one, however I was advised to have a nice big picture on my double page spread.

Template 2

With this question I found out which of the templates the audience liked the most and why, I found that most of the audience like the front cover number 4 and contents page number 5 and number 2.

The girls thought that the brighter the colour the better, as bright colours attract their age group. Most of the girls said that although they like the pink colour they think that the purple works better on the white background.

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