Saturday 7 May 2011

Audience Profile

My audience profile consists of Justin Bieber, Cheryl Cole, The Wanted, JLS, and Pixie Lott. I included these artists in my audience for a number of reasons, one of the reasons being that they are all contemporary (of the time) artists, they have all had at least a top five song within the past 6months. There hasn't been any bad press of the artists barring Cheryl Cole this however was about 6years ago, since then I think she has redeemed herself.

My audience profile was also going to consist of the girl band The Saturdays, but after I carried out some research on the band I realised that they do not set the best role model for young girls. They do not write their own music, they swan around half naked, promoting all the wrong manners for young girls. 

Blackberrys are a big part of my audience profile, many young girls have a Blackberry so I am going to create some Blackberry applications, enabling the young demographic to engage with the magazine via the Blackberry apps
BarryM make-up is a very contemporary make-up creator at the moment. They make is fun and bright which I think the young girl demographic should mirror.

Sweets are also incorporated with my audience profile however to make the sweets a bit more up market than just a packet you can buy from Tesco! I have invested shares in River Island and Topshop who sell 'old school' pix 'n' mix sweets in clear packaging.

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