Saturday 7 May 2011

Analysing front pages of music magazines

This music magazine is called ‘Top of the Pops’, it's main aim is to reveal who’s top of the charts. The magazine regularly interviews main celebrities who feature in their magazine. They also have special pages related to fashion, celebrity gossip and competitions. The typical demographic for this magazine is for girls aged between 11 and 15, the girls could be from any race, culture or class. The celebrities featured on the magazine front cover are tremendously airbrushed portraying a fake representation.

The masthead of this magazine is ‘Top of the Pops’, this term indicates the readers to believe that this is the magazine to buy if curious about who is at the top of the pop(ular) charts.   The lettering is all in lowercase, it is pink and has a soft, bubbly effect, this indicates that the magazine is a very feminine magazine.  

The tagline says ‘more gossip’ this indicates that the editors are aware that young girls love to gossip and hence why they have added the word gossip to the magazine.

The main image covers the rest of the tagline and masthead, Top of the Pops are clearly very confident in believing that the readership will buy the magazine because they are hiding their brand of identity in order for Justin Bieber to take up the whole of the front page. Justin seems to be in control of his pose; he is staring directly into the camera and pointing to the young girl demographic. It appears that Justin is pointing to the reader, encouraging the reader  to buy the magazine. Justin looks very confident in this image; some may even say powerful, it is as if Justin has power over the big girl readership to buy the magazine.

The colour scheme is very simple; pink, white, purple and yellow. All these colours are very feminine colours, this helps to promote that Top of the Pops is a girls magazine.  

The indecent play on words on the front cover is written in bolder pink letters with a big block of yellow behind it. I think the creators of the magazine did this on purpose to make the saying stand out. It also indicates inappropriate pictures when suggesting ‘private pics’. For an eleven year old girl to be reading these types of phrases makes you understand why England has the largest number of teenage pregnancies in Europe!  

This cover shows the famous boy band JLS. JLS are clearly trusted to sell magazines as they are covering the masthead, hiding the magazines brand of identity. Yet here is another inappropriate phrase on the front cover with connotations of being in bed with the four members of JLS. Is it not sickening knowing that there are girls as young as eleven reading this magazine? Aspiring to be in bed with four older men?

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