Saturday 7 May 2011

Analysing double page spreads of music magazines

This Jonas Brothers double page spread is taken from the non-music magazine Bliss. However the magazine Bliss is aimed at a young demographic. The colours make the audience assume very quickly that the demographic are young girls due to the bright pink and mint green, girls aged between 12 and 15 I think from all cultures and classes. You can also tell that this article is aimed for a girl demographic due to the ‘hottie alert’ in the top right hand corner of the magazine.
I like the way the main image is subtly sprawled over to both pages. I think that this creates a good sense of belonging for the picture and the text, the reader rightly assumes that the picture and the words belong together. The main text is also in black so it stands out.
I like the other pictures of the band scattered across the double page spread, I think it helps the demographic to get a better idea of the band.

This double page spread is taken from a music magazine, but not from a young girls magazine. This double page spread is from the magazine NME, it presents a fun loving, youthful band called The Teenagers. The editor cleverly high-lighted the quote ‘Of course we are sexual. We’re The Teenagers and that’s all we think of’, this quote helps set the mood for the rest of the article and helps the readership understand the picture and band a bit more. The Mise en scene helps to create the representation of a male teenagers world. The teenagers are clearly a new, young band, the image has connotations of them being teenagers as they are lying on a single bed, with posters of young ladies behind them. There is a notepad effect on the little fact file in the bottom left hand corner – this represents a school note pad. I think all of these connotations help the article create representations of the magazines demographic – males aged 15 to 30. The demographic can identify with how the boys in the image are being represented.  The image takes over more of the spread, this is probably due to the presumption that the demographic of this magazine will not want to read a large amount of text. The brands of identity is still present but due to the youth of the band the colour has been changed from red to blue, but the colours white and black are still prominent.

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