Saturday 7 May 2011

Analysing contents pages of music magazines

Although Sugar is not a music magazine a large majority of my demographic purchase Sugar. The contents page has a main image of the cover girl which is bigger than the other pictures and is situated in the top right of the page. There is also a big page number on top of the picture enabling the demographic to go straight to the page that the cover girl is on.

The brand identity is carried well from the front page to the contents page, keeping the colour theme black, white and pink together. These colours promote that the demographic of this magazine is girls. I think the girls will be aged 13 to 18 from any race, but maybe girls from a working class background.

The cover girl is posed in a Male Gaze position, tilting her head to one side and having her hand on her face. This suggests that she is in some way vulnerable; however her stature is quite square and solid so this could sway your opinion.

There is a letter from the top editor giving a little introduction in what is toto come in the magazine. I think this is a nice touch to the magazine and helps the demographic to familiarise itself with its editors. Apart from the letter, most of the lettering is in uppercase letters giving a sense of power to the demographic.

I immediately was attracted to this contents page. I think the contents page is well structured as the different sections are seperated evely. I think that the editor has done a terrific job with continuing the magazines brand of identity, maintaining the black, white and red. I also like how the masthead has been shrunk in order to fit in the corner of the contents page.
I think the demographic is clearly for males aged 17 to 30 from all different classes, cultures etc.
I like the big picture in the top right of the page with a quote from the band. I think that it is cleverly put together. The band look like they are important on top of a hill, they look as if they are being looked up too. The position the band is in makes them seem domineering and powerful. I will hopefully base my contents page around this contents page.

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