Saturday 7 May 2011

Quantitative Data - My Questionnaire

I created a PowerPoint to illustrate what my questionnaire helped me to discover, I started my PowerPoint with a few buzz words on how I wanted my readership to view my magazine called Obsession.

This is a print screen of what my questionnaire looked like online, it included both open and closed questions.

These are the questions I asked in my questionnaire.

My results..
This is not the ideal age that I wanted, but because I advertised my questionnaire on Facebook, many of the participants were my friends, my age. Next time I will know to advertise the questionnaire to the age of my demographic.

This was a really confused overall answer, and this was a design flaw as it was written as an open question. If I had given options of how much a participant would be willing to spend the answer would of come out a lot less confusing!!

There was disagreement as to what is the most popular magazine, but for my demographic the most popular girl magazine is Sugar so I have to somehow use some of Sugars qualities in order to attract my audience.

This question was again answered awkwardly but I decided to go with monthly as every other month and weekly was the most popular so the clever compromise I thought was monthly.

 Due to my demographic being young, most of the young girls said that they listen to whatever their carer is listening to. However the majority of the participants listened to Kiss100, closely followed by Capital FM. Both of these radio stations play a lot of contemporary pop music, this helps me understand what artists I should include within my magazine.
Most of my demographic consume music through either the radio or through the TV, and many through internet. The amount of people illegally downloading is rising and the amount of people buying CDs is decreasing rapidly. This makes me realise that additional incentives should NOT consist of free CDs!!

Due to the decline in people buying music nowadays there has been a major rise in live concerts and events taking place. This is one of the very few ways that artists are sure to make money. Many participants do not get the opportunity to go to many live gigs as I'm sure they'd like to, so free concert tickets are a sure competition winner!

This question enabled me to find out who my demographic have seen, and what artists I should include in my magazine and whose concerts I should get free tickets for. (The bolder the name, the more people have gone to see that person)

I asked this question to get a better idea of what my demographic like watching. I found out that the majority of participants enjoy either reality TV or Soaps - this indicates that the demographic engage well with real life scenarios.

I asked this question to get an idea of how much my demographic would be able to afford when purchasing a magazine. Only a small minority of participant's carers are unemployed, resulting in many of the participants being able to afford the magazine.

I asked this question to find out where the best places were to advertise and where the best places were to create fan pages i.e. Twitter or Facebook. Facebook was the most popular choice.

If you follow the link below it will take you to the questionnaire I created.

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